There are a lot of different professional opportunities for teachers to leverage in West Midlands, but competition for these positions is getting fiercer and fiercer on a regular basis.

Teachers that want to take advantage of the fantastic teaching jobs in West Midlands are going to want to make sure that they are resume and CV is as polished and as professional as possible, making sure to give themselves every opportunity to stand out from the rest of the pack during the hiring process.

Here are just a couple of things that you’ll be able to do to really polish that CV and improve your odds going forward.

Demonstrate your passion for this career

The overwhelming majority of traditional resumes (in all fields) are generally soulless and really lacking in the personality department.

Many of them do little more than simply reiterate dry facts and dates in as obvious a manner as possible, never giving the recruiter or interviewer the opportunity to learn more about the prospective teacher. If you do not give these gatekeepers a chance to get to know you through your resume, the odds of you standing out from the crowd are slim to none.

Demonstrate your passion for teaching, really illustrate how important this career is for you, and show them that you’re not just another face in the crowd.

Feature your credentials and your experience

At the end of the day, teachers are responsible for educating the students that they are responsible for, and you’re going to want to be certain that you give the people deciding whether or not to hire you every reason to believe that you’ll be up to the task at hand.

After you have polished up your cover letter, you’re going to want to make sure that your “heaviest” credentials and most influential training programs, certifications, or degrees are listed right at the top of the very first page.

Yes, you’ll want to make sure that you have detailed everything in chronological order somewhere else in the resume or CV – but there’s no reason that you have to submit something that handicaps you right off the bat without showcasing your accomplishments or special talents.

Consider this to be a second cover letter of sorts, one that allows you to differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack almost immediately.