An essay, paper or thesis writing is the greatest challenge for many students. And even for those who want to become a writer. Not knowing where to start, taking a night to finish the essay. And no-one has told you to have your own opinion. It may be a crazy idea to disagree with all those academics who have been researching for years. These are not all silly ideas, as literary studies do not add to your writing skills. As a result, it remains something elusive. It looks like a piece of art that you have to have. There is a system in place. Knowing this system is a matter of practice. This process can be further accelerated by targeted expert feedback, which is often lacking.
Why write an essay?
We all have many reasons for writing an essay. An essay eventually has one simple purpose: keeping an argument. With this argument, you answer a particular (research) question, demonstrate that you have studied the subject critically, present a rational argument, use an academic writing style. Remember, that an essay is an argument and not a summary of what you have read. So do not be tempted to show off all your newly acquired knowledge, but use the only knowledge that contributes to the point you want to make.
What is an essay?
An essay takes the reader on the journey from the point of departure (introduction) to the destination (conclusion). An essay addresses a subject and answers a question based on an argument. This is done by using academic arguments. These consist of three elements: a claim, a reason for this claim, and reasoning and evidence to link the claim. Reasoning consists of ideas in a logical structure, while evidence is information that suggests or demonstrates that these ideas are credible.
A good start is half the work, just to name a cliché. A good essay is planned, written and edited (in this order). Work out what you want to say, write it up and make it easy to read. Sounds simple, right? However, students and writers often suffer from postponement. You secretly hope that the job disappears; you decide to do something more important or take a short break that mysteriously takes a long time. These are roughly two different strategies. Strategy one is for stubborn exhibitors: put everything next to you and tell yourself that you will be working non-stop for your essay for 20 minutes. Once you’re done, you’ll see that this soon becomes more than 20 minutes. Strategy two is for publishers who especially hate writing: bring writing closer to speaking. Write down all that spontaneously comes up with you, not including writing style, spelling, and punctuation. That will may be done later.
Types of essays
We have different types of essays including Argumentative and a narrative essay. Below are the differences between various types of essay:
- Argumentative essay
In an argumentative essay, your job as a writer is to convince the reader of your point of view. You must substantiate the position, for example by statistics or information from experts on the subject. It is therefore important not only to give an opinion but especially to argue well. In this form of an essay, it is important to thoroughly research the topic to come up with useful facts and arguments that are scientifically substantiated. Make sure you use qualitative sources, preferably highly acclaimed experts in the chosen area.
- Considerative essay
In a review, you as a writer describe multiple views on a particular topic. The difference with an argument is that you do not try to convince the reader of your opinion, but show several sides of the story so that the reader can express his views. So you give front and counter arguments for a particular topic and conclude with a summary (no conclusion). After that, the reader can think and slowly express his own opinion on the subject.
- Narrative essay
In a narrative essay there is no purpose to form the view of the reader or to convey your opinion, but write a description about a particular topic. However, a standard structure is still required with an introduction, middle and end, but the emphasis here is not to convey or form opinions.
Above is a breed explanation of what essay means and how you can write different types of essay. Reliable and cheap “write my essay for me” service is here for you